I’ve managed to get a decent-looking 4-cluster segmentation based on the opportunity scores from the Org questions. I’ve uploaded a file with the cluster assignments for the 4-cluster and a slightly different 3-cluster segmentation. I’ve provided a preliminary analysis, but the more detailed analysis is beyond my remit.

Initialise the data


allData <- read.csv("sample-survey-data.csv", stringsAsFactors = F, row.names = 1)
allData[allData == ""] <- NA
sum(!is.na(rowSums(allData[,6:26], na.rm = F)))
## [1] 117
cleanData <- allData[!is.na(rowSums(allData[,6:26], na.rm = F)), ]
details # Stuff like team size, number of clients, etc.
impPer  # important personally
impOrg  # important to the organisation
satis   # satisfaction

Calculate opportunity scores

oppPer <- impPer + ((impPer - satis) > 0) * (impPer - satis)
colnames(oppPer) <- paste("Q", seq(1,7), "_OP", sep = "")

oppOrg <- impOrg + ((impOrg - satis) > 0) * (impOrg - satis)
colnames(oppOrg) <- paste("Q", seq(1,7), "_OO", sep = "")

Let’s deal with the “personal” answers first

Dimensionality reduction using PCA

  • I used the prcomp() function to perform a principal components analysis (pretty similar to the factor analysis). I added the first two components to the details table.

  • From the biplot we can see that Q1-3 have similar loadings, and Q4-7 have similar loadings which are roughly orthogonal to Q1-3.

modelPer <- prcomp(oppPer)

details$pc1Per <- predict(modelPer)[, 1]
details$pc2Per <- predict(modelPer)[, 2]


  • I have used k-means clustering here as it is an easily accessible non-hierarchical clustering method.

  • Firstly, you should determine number of clusters you will use. I’ve used the “bend in the elbow” method of plotting the within groups sum of squares (wss) against a number of clusters from 1 to 15.
  • K-means clustering uses a random seed, so I repeated this calculation 100 times and took the average for each number of clusters (plot below).

wss <- (nrow(details)-1)*sum(apply(details[, c("pc1Per", "pc2Per")],2,var))
wssAve <- as.data.frame(matrix(wss, 100, length(wss)))
for (i in 1:100){
  for (j in 2:15) wssAve[i, j] <- sum(kmeans(details[, c("pc1Per", "pc2Per")], centers=j)$withinss)
  • The bend in the WSS plot suggests 3 or 4 clusters is optimal. I will use 3 clusters.

K-Means Cluster Analysis


fit <- kmeans(details[, c("pc1Per", "pc2Per")], 3)

# get cluster means 
aggregate(details[, c("pc1Per", "pc2Per")],by=list(fit$cluster),FUN=mean)

# append cluster assignment
details$clusterPer <- fit$cluster
  • The clusters are not too uneven. Cluster 3 is larger than the others, but not massively so.

Now let’s do the same with the Org answers

modelOrg <- prcomp(oppOrg)
biplot(modelOrg)  ## As before, Q1-3 have similar loadings. Q4-7 have similar loadings.

details$pc1Org <- predict(modelOrg)[, 1]
details$pc2Org <- predict(modelOrg)[, 2]

## Determine number of clusters
wss <- (nrow(details)-1)*sum(apply(details[, c("pc1Org", "pc2Org")],2,var))
wssAve <- as.data.frame(matrix(wss, 100, length(wss)))
for (i in 1:100){
  for (j in 2:15) wssAve[i, j] <- sum(kmeans(details[, c("pc1Org", "pc2Org")], centers=j)$withinss)

## K-Means Cluster Analysis
fit <- kmeans(details[, c("pc1Org", "pc2Org")], 4)

# get cluster means 
foo = aggregate(details[, c("pc1Org", "pc2Org")],by=list(fit$cluster),FUN=mean)

# append cluster assignment
details$clusterOrg <- fit$cluster

Let’s see some detail

  • First factorise the other answers so they come out in the right order
details$Org.Size <- factor(details$Org.Size, 
                           levels = levels(factor(details$Org.Size))[c(6, 3, 2, 5, 1, 4)])

details$Team.Size <- factor(details$Team.Size, 
                           levels = levels(factor(details$Team.Size))[c(1, 3, 4, 2)])

details$Clients <- factor(details$Clients, 
                           levels = levels(factor(details$Clients)))

details$Team.Manager <- factor(details$Team.Manager)

details$Consultant <- factor(details$Consultant)
  • Using the 4-cluster Org system, what can we see?
breakdown <- melt(details, 
                  id.vars = "clusterOrg", 
                  measure.vars = c("Org.Size", "Team.Size", "Clients", "Team.Manager","Consultant"))
  • Cluster 1 respondents have the largest number of clients and are most likely to be managers and/or consultants.
  • Cluster 3 respondents are like Cluster 1 respondents but are less likely to be managers or consultants and have fewer clients.
  • Cluster 2 and 4 respondents work in small teams and small organisations, but cluster 4 includes solo ventures.

  • Given that Q1,2,3,5 load orthogonally to Q4,6,7, let’s sum them.
  • In the following plots, I have colour coded the Org-based plot using the summed OS data.

  • Graph 1 let’s us see that the opportunity score for Q1235 is really low for clusters 3 and 4, but decent for cluster 1 and high for cluster 2
  • Graph 2 let’s us see that the opportunity score for Q467 is highest in cluster 1

Here are the cluster assignments:

##                                  clusterPer clusterOrg
## f311a55b829601478f2416a5e34fb26e          3          3
## eef720801373bd4abb6f96ead2ecc6e2          2          1
## 9f3bbb3ba73b4b8a48198c1e14eb5c5a          1          2
## 56144a2419cfba0dd857ad0696966d0b          2          1
## 0ed706da6b57f36072d0939eb885a78a          3          3
## 95f75c3edc4f9c7ce19c7d4040083b8b          2          1
## 4d835bbd8705463cd0fe90e58cdbced6          3          1
## 9201bb6fc4a33a56105045181cd55612          3          3
## 7c4ddb804f123e36b076f7f6fd02c516          2          1
## 6bf3237a91fa2b0e17a044c63624dfab          2          1
## 902b55a6006c65e21ad451519610ba82          3          4
## 046da6d2d8ce1a1d5f99f91ca672d818          2          1
## 060cd6879c4dc179918b6d3d07d3804c          3          1
## 5f34fb61b4e062900b3f2b0b59b4f883          1          4
## c165008701808a7a7b3beee5d5425c8b          3          3
## 18e4334505664686dcf8c691db591393          3          1
## 752958ac8228cf9044cb09bc257de97a          2          1
## ee4359ebaeda83fec5a82a793515e9a2          1          4
## 4cdd12aefea2d79563523cb9765c0830          3          3
## 848313a7e2a3f20c683546d14bc23e8a          1          4
## c5ab4355b69d4569a63d0fac1cd978fc          3          2
## 74f653deb3d2ce1a37704cf4bbc1942d          2          1
## 54b60afeae96f2e3c52fdbd6ba0a2db9          3          3
## 9f99e61e6a3c28dd5c55c1243c10f3ed          2          2
## 5df9e328158d0f9a5b0a1544c73e9311          3          3
## 1f2542e33eeab4dcc2e4c6f960e0fdec          3          4
## 39cf38e08cac29b80a23e4c906efcec9          2          1
## b44d34f270a16c970a48a210ae7087d4          2          3
## 83196f65f1e3c4cf82867477e05ec937          2          1
## 8c0e1a5debaeffa50b97bd101cb554da          2          3
## 2cb4c37c6b992ec5f3a3ddab48e42cba          2          1
## c6d5ec920e7fa6368637bc1e2d53bcc2          3          3
## 3a64cf15007ebfee48e98280ccfa9f99          3          3
## b17615da6d1436c4aea4b7addc9abd6c          2          2
## 4ca980ce5988c50a528aa81e7bd74a31          2          1
## 5157547d1effff8e9a99a1da4d3b8085          2          3
## 6f5fa1ad60fd6c31ec70aaed9628e4cd          3          4
## 149af43c40eaeb3716f19e25874328ad          1          4
## cc1c475bf4132fd9648f90d5736e1dc4          1          1
## 209668875cc29f5f823c4f8bf3b50d9e          2          1
## 37b650dbf9ddc0e289ed2cfe3ef82416          2          3
## c335ee458d800498750f0187a96280c1          2          1
## 11495196b00ace8179eb0443fa5d4436          2          3
## 67d1916ce29c5fb0e8938b567b231aa3          3          3
## 8bd67448eb07d405f341811054ea37e9          2          1
## 4a20cc914ead89025b53c152e432010b          2          1
## cc022ede9c88a01e332fa6ac980f9085          1          4
## a7df77b60031fed265a12992fd2baaf4          2          2
## 8170b79a0c5ae31328ecd17b0c305d9d          2          2
## 43f31e573de2ae5362d2f13f24ac638f          2          2
## 3dfac92d23d78f8fec18d306335c8728          1          4
## fc36ccc5c41c901cdb1a98bff60572b0          2          1
## e0b8c7ddca504dc2ebc7510754430d16          2          1
## da78209de584fd6239b17afe04b176a1          2          1
## 2cac3ba23be17a63b5f0c7b413c141e1          3          3
## ba2274766d33248cb4153ade19d9dd71          2          1
## 2dbd8fe841a601862ab9acdbfca66798          1          4
## d2766a424ca71f41239b7880b5391e00          3          3
## 4fedfa7a82e230fc688259373ec7c0cd          2          3
## 807e38b32e6869b6f323761358df5601          2          1
## e7a02758a282d8affd2db489755235da          1          3
## 000e2f0468382f7ccba50f53db404a94          3          3
## 8e2fd6f2f2a250632aab69943d3cbb00          2          1
## b2d06cf15e44bdce3dbd2acff256ade0          3          1
## d87d74af22d88d55c0821d6cd629fe35          1          4
## 06f6b5e35fff2628f0430ef2e5720f52          3          3
## 7b0cfdaaeb8799a363763e5a7fe22dfa          1          4
## 0c7f80480c163be55649dce503c023b3          3          4
## b863cf9b1b767813257b70566419c338          1          4
## a158e46366b471af40186d17f62412ed          1          2
## dfa440f53312fe85300664e0a7e94e41          2          3
## c11d6f6c54ea5646e330329422df03f5          2          2
## 2d1e9c78bcdcb4a378bb9d257fab4e45          3          3
## a60c2b2d4884f689c2570f906e98fd64          2          2
## eeebe0f8c736459d6dfc3aa73b009085          3          3
## 607f555154994dba74f019512c0ac823          3          3
## c6c4f3d9d142eb35f65cdb335a913d2f          3          3
## 3952785e81abde6e345eadef1ec079c3          2          2
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## 9a4196648fafd5e1911d244681291518          3          3
## c1c5c01f75af2477673be46423f82d2d          1          4
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